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Les populations vulnérables
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2747509923 9782747509923 Year: 2001 Volume: 3 Publisher: Paris : Editions L'Harmattan,

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Les recherches impliquant des populations vulnérables présentent peut-être la plus grande difficulté lorsqu'il s'agit de concilier les exigences contradictoires de l'éthique et de la recherche. Les institutions sociales ont évolué en vue de protéger et d'améliorer la vie des personnes vulnérables, enfants, personnes âgées, malades mentaux au déficients. La communauté internationale s'accorde sur le fait que des recherches doivent être menées afin de faire progresser la connaissance scientifique des maladies qui affectent particulièrement les populations vulnérables. Cependant, la recherche non thérapeutique impliquant de telles populations soulève des inquiétudes quant à la légitimité du consentement, au rôle du décideur-substitut, au rapport risque/bénéfice et aux mesures de sauvegarde. Ce troisième volume de L'éthique de la recherche aborde ces questions en demeurant fidèle au style de réflexion historique et philosophique des deux précédents volumes.

Biomedical ethics.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0072303654 9780072303650 Year: 2001 Publisher: Boston McGraw-Hill

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Provides insightful treatment of ethical issues in medicine. This book covers topics such as conflicts of interest in medicine, advance directives, physician-assisted suicide, and the rationing of health care. Its features include chapter introductions, argument sketches, explanations of medical terms, headnotes, and annotated bibliographies.

Bioethics, justice, and health care.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0534508286 9780534508289 Year: 2001 Publisher: Belmont Wadsworth

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This text offers the perspectives necessary for a comprehensive critique of the health care establishment. The book includes diverse perspectives, that allow students to obtain an accurate sense of the issues and the ethical considerations in a society that values justice in its health systems.


Medical ethics. --- Bioethics. --- Medical ethics --- Medical laws and legislation. --- Social aspects. --- gezondheid (gezondheidsconcept) --- gezondheidszorg --- experiment, experimenteel onderzoek (mensen) --- patiëntenrechten (rechten van de patiënt) --- geïnformeerde vrijwillige toestemming (instemming) --- lichaamsmateriaal (lichaam, menselijk lichaamsmateriaal) --- euthanasie --- abortus (vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking) --- voortplanting (reproductie) --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- draagmoederschap (zwangerschap-voor-een-ander, draagmoeder, surrogaatmoeder) --- genetica (genen) --- kloneren (klonen) --- santé (concept de santé) --- soins de santé --- expérimentation sur la personne humaine (chez l'humain) --- droits du patient (droits des malades) --- consentement libre et éclairé --- matériel corporel humain, (corps humain) --- avortement (interruption volontaire de grossesse, IVG) --- procréation (reproduction) --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, procréation artificielle) --- maternité de substitution (grossesse de substitution, gestation pour autrui, mère-porteuse, mère de substitution) --- génétique (gènes) --- clonage --- Bioethics --- Medical laws and legislation --- Law, Medical --- Medical personnel --- Medical registration and examination --- Medicine --- Physicians --- Surgeons --- Medical policy --- Medical jurisprudence --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Biology --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Science --- Social aspects --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medical ethics - Social aspects.

Informed choice of medical services : is the law just?
ISBN: 0754611981 Year: 2001 Publisher: Aldershot Ashgate

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351.84*7 --- Feminist jurisprudence --- Informed consent (Medical law) --- Medical care --- -zorg (zorgverstrekking, zorgverlening) --- geïnformeerde vrijwillige toestemming (instemming) --- experiment, experimenteel onderzoek (mensen) --- zorgverstrekker-patiëntrelatie (verpleegkundige-patiëntrelatie) --- arts-patiëntrelatie --- autonomie van de patiënt --- mensenrechten (rechten van de mens) --- ethiek (ethische aspecten) --- feminisme (feministische visie) --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Public health --- Consent, Informed --- Consent to treatment --- Disclosure, Medical --- Medical disclosure --- Treatment, Consent to --- Consent (Law) --- Medical ethics --- Medical personnel --- Patient education --- Involuntary treatment --- Patient refusal of treatment --- Feminism, Legal --- Legal feminism --- Feminist theory --- Jurisprudence --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- Law and legislation --- soins (prestation de soins) --- consentement libre et éclairé --- expérimentation sur la personne humaine (chez l'humain) --- relation soignant-patient (relation infirmier-patient) --- relation médecin-patient --- autonomie du patient --- droits de l'homme --- ethique (aspects ethiques) --- feminism (feminist approach) --- Malpractice --- Feminist jurisprudence. --- Law and legislation. --- Informed consent (Medical law). --- 351.84*7 Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- zorg (zorgverstrekking, zorgverlening) --- Medical laws and legislation

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